Friday, July 02, 2010

Headlines don't lie — there's a lot of news around here

One of the great things about being an independently owned sports site: For change to happen, there aren't multiple layers of managers and tie-wearers who have to approve it.

Instead, we've brought back an old format — local sports headlines — based on growing need and requests from visitors to our site. Simple as that.

The growing list of headlines will stay near the top right corner of our home page. In that small corner is where we've posted a long list of exclusive news for almost three years, from coaching changes to athlete injuries to state and national championships (and then watched the local corporate media play catch-up).

The format was dropped in February, but the bottom line is that there's too much local sports news in our area (much of which isn't covered elsewhere) to not give it greater attention. And so we will.

And while we were making adjustments, the ESPN Bottom Line news ticker found a new home at the bottom of the page, and local bloggers moved across the page.

As always, ideas and suggestions are always welcome. Drop me an e-mail at

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